White Transparent Gradient
Letter D Icon




사례 소개

In the Hospital Sick Male Patient Sleeps on the Bed. Heart Rate Monitor Equipment is on His Finger.


교통사고 및 사고사

​자살보험금, 사인미상

Hands of a Female Doctor Writing Notes to a Patient about a Medical Examination or Prescription.


상해사고 및 재해사고


Man Arguing after a Car Accident


사망, 장해, 부상보험금

​뺑소니 사고 및 무보험차사고

Technician Holding Yellow Hard Hat Safety Hard Hat Sunlight Background

근로자 재해보장 보험금

​산업재해보상보험 처리후 초과손해청구

Lawyers are mediating disputes and providing legal advice.

실효 및 면책사고 보상

​각종 보험금 분쟁 관련 상담

Stethoscope with Medical Bill and Calculator Isolated on White

질병 진단비 및

실손보험금 청구

Letter D Icon

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